Course Schedule

Public Relation Campaign: From Planning to Execution

This course is designed to go through the key elements of best practice in Public Relations. It examines both how to prepare for and how to carry out a Public Relations campaign. Established methods are illustrated as well as how to generate creative ideas, all brought to life by real examples taken from actual experience.

Participants will develop the skills to design, plan, cost, deliver and evaluate campaigns using the full range of PR media and channels and Participation in the course will provide you with the knowledge to:

· Implement your PR plan

· Use the PR planning process effectively for your campaign

· Implement a management system, setting checks and measures to evaluate success

· Understand the different elements of the PR campaign plan and how they relate to each other

· take and interrogate a brief

· conduct in-depth research and interpret findings in an intelligent way

· understand the difference between objectives, strategy and tactics

· structure your work to build an irrefutable business case

· demonstrate commercial value and return on investment

· agree and refine messages

· develop creative ideas that fit strategically

· Evaluate campaigns effectively.

PR in Business

· An overview of the scope and role of Public Relations in an organisation

· The importance of reputation management

· The role of the brand

· The PR Transfer Process and communications theory

· Definitions of campaigns

· The Six Point PR Plan framework for campaigns

· Assessing your PR situation

Setting Campaign Objectives and Identifying Stakeholders

· Setting Objectives to meet your business needs

· Translating objectives into a practical campaign outcomes

· Identifying your publics

· Assessing what your stakeholders think of you

· Learning their language

· Applying creativity to messaging

· The importance of third party endorsement

Creating and implementing a public relations plan

· PR plan: definition and needs

· Characteristics of a PR plan

· SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)

· Target audience(s)

· Goals (what we hope to accomplish)

· Objectives (what needs to be done)

· Key messages: simple and descriptive

· Strategy (methods to accomplish objectives)

· Tactics (deadlines and cost)

· Timeline and responsibilities

Choosing the Right Media – Mass Media

· Features and facets of newspapers, magazines, TV and radio

· Keeping your objectives in mind

· Choosing the right titles for the right audience

· Mass media news generation and management

· Is it a media story – what’s in it for them?

· Invitations and press releases

· Conducting interviews and briefing interviewees

· Managing filming

· Photography

Choosing the Right Media – Other Campaign Media

· Involving your “in-house” media

· Corporate video

· The role of corporate websites

· Social media in campaigns

· Events as part of campaigns

· Using VIPs or celebrities

· Direct face to face communication

· Lobbying

Crisis management using PR

· Defining and identifying a crisis

· Remembering the rules in a crisis

· Phases of a crisis

· The disclosure principle

· The symmetrical communication principle

· The relationship principle

· The accountability principle

Budgets and Evaluation

· Costing a campaign

· Evaluating campaigns

· Crisis management and contingencies

· The in house PR Team – Staffing, setting up and running it

· Buying in help – what to look for in a consultancy and how to get the best from them

· Personal action planning

Those who are taking responsibility for writing a PR campaign from beginning to end for the first time.