Course Schedule

HR For Non-HR Managers

Are you expected to be your own HR specialist - as well as being accountable for your team’s outputs?

Do you spend more hours than you would like dealing with “people issues?”

What is the potential cost to you and your company if you get the HR requirements wrong?

Employing people with the right knowledge, skills and attributes is a crucial factor in the success of any business and making a bad recruitment decision can prove costly and time-consuming.

Even after selecting the “ideal” employee, retaining their skills and keeping them motivated and focused on achieving business results often proves challenging. Retaining good performers is as important to business success as knowing how to handle poor performance issues.

  • Be introduced to a range of generic HRM tools, techniques and templates that can be customized and applied to your own specific work environment
  • Recognize the benefits of effective recruitment, selection and induction processes in the appointment and retention of the “ideal employee”
  • Understand the importance of legally defensible recruitment and selection processes and avoid potential pitfalls
  • Know how to reinforce and enhance good performance
  • Be able to identify poor performance at an early stage and take immediate action to minimize long term difficulties.

This is an interactive workshop providing basic HRM tools and templates that participants can customize for use back in their own work environment. Discussion of participants’ own current issues, shared problem-solving, self-reflection, personal action planning and facilitated skill practice will enable participants to explore the benefits of good HR management techniques and improve their own practice.

Highlighted Session Titles


  • position review,
  • advertising;
  • interviewing skills;
  • selection techniques


  • induction,
  • orientation,
  • development,
  • rewards & recognition

Performance Management

  • setting expectations,
  • key accountabilities,

Training; coaching for performance and provision of effective feedback.

  • Outline of the legal requirements that HRM practices addresses
  • Underpinning these practices and critical theme is how good HRM Practices should align with business goals in order to maximize business outcomes.