Course Schedule

The HR Administrator's Role

HR administrators often function as the first point of contact for employee enquiries and requests. This course provides a ‘best practice’ approach to the key administrative activities.

This course is focused on the practical application of key HR administrative activities. The consultant will work with you to provide the insight, knowledge and skills to manage potentially sensitive issues and situations with tact, discretion and confidence.

  • Identify the principal activities of the HR function, its responsibilities, aims and objectives
  • Understand the main aspects of employment legislation and the impact on the activities of the HR department
  • Understand the essential information and records which must be maintained by HR
  • Identify how to build stronger relationships with internal customers

Your HR Role

  • Identifying the role of the HR function and where you fit in
  • Identifying who are your customers/clients? - what do they expect?

Effective Face-to-face Communication

  • Interacting confidently and positively with others
  • Using listening and questioning effectively
  • Developing an assertive style and dealing with difficult people

What Records to Keep

  • Maintaining records, systems and libraries
  • Security and confidentiality and employee access to records
  • Absence recording and controlling

Employment Law

  • Clarifying employee rights
  • Where Equal Opportunities and discrimination fit in
  • The discipline and grievances and dismissal procedures

The Recruitment Process

  • Writing effective advertisements
  • Processing applications and short-listing candidates
  • Developing guidelines for successful interviewing
  • Offers of employment and references Implied and expressed terms
  • Termination of employment, notice periods and contractual rights - exit interview